Registration Services

Comprehensive and compliant registration support you can trust

First of all – if this is overwhelming, you’re not alone. So many small NDIS providers beat themselves up about falling behind in their compliance and admin.

However, they are also spending their days:

If this sounds familiar, then let's stop the worry and accept you are doing an AMAZING job.

ON the compliance front, we are here to help.

Service options

We can assist you with NDIS registration from scratch and mid-term audits. Whatever level you need, we follow a similar process:

We will act on your behalf and begin the registration process, or help you to complete your mid term, with the NDIS and source quotes from several auditors.

This will lock in our timeline for the project.

A detailed, comprehensive review of your existing business compliance and administration including:

▪ Your policies, procedures, templates and forms
▪ Your participant management system
▪ Your rostering and HR systems (if separate)
▪ Your participant files and care plans
▪ Your staff and contractor files
▪ Your NDIS invoices
▪ Your insurances
▪ Your key personnel status

This review gives us a tailored gap analysis – a plan of what we need to rectify before audit

This is the stage where we close the gaps. This is done collaboratively with you.  This includes:

▪ Implementing any missing policies, procedures, forms and templates
▪ Getting participant files and care plans up to date
▪ Getting all staff and contractor files up to date
▪ Adjusting your invoices if required to ensure they are compliant
▪ Getting your participant management system compliant and current
▪ Getting your rostering and HR systems compliant and current
▪ Updating your insurances
▪ Getting any missing information for your key personnel in place

This is the final stage where we go to audit.

The audit can be a two-day process, and is sometimes followed by a week of post-audit tasks.

At the end of this your auditor will lodge the outcome with the NDIS and issue you correspondence.

This is the bit we can’t put a time on. This can take a few months or a year – and it’s in the hands of the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.

If you are completing a midterm or renewal, this will not be a factor as you will simply renew your status.

Are we the

right consultant for you

It’s ‘mission critical’ for us to be the right fit for each other. There are a few criteria we use to ensure we can work successfully together.

The best interests of your participants are core to how you operate and drive your decisions and values.

Consulting involves us working with you – it’s not just a ‘do-this-audit-for-me’ scenario. When consulting support fails, in our experience, it’s because this expectation isn’t clear and we hit roadblocks where the business owner struggles to collaborate.

Our service includes systems to keep open communication and transparency around the work we are doing. We need you to keep us in the loop as well. If you don’t share clearly and honestly with us, it hinders our ability to properly support you.

We actively seek out constructive feedback, but if we do make a mistake we need to know what happened and why, so we can address it well, and be sure to do it better next time.

Frequently asked questions

NDIS registration is variable depending on your business maturity, registration type and complexity of care and support needs. For this reason price is provided after an initial conversation about your unique needs.

Our consulting approach is collaborative because the reality is, we don’t know your staff and participants – you do.

We know what you need to be compliant. We give you the framework and support to fill this in with the detailed, unique knowledge you have.

For example, we can undertake all the administration and provide you with the customised resources you need to close the gaps.

We can’t complete care plans, intake forms, or staff checks such as the NDIS worker screening check, police check or WWC check for you. We will support you to execute this, but you primarily complete these with your team.

No it doesn’t. You must pay your audit fee in addition to our consulting fee.

We cannot influence the NDIS timelines and process.

We can reduce the time spent on both preparing for audit and rectifying any issues through our collaboration expertise and efficient project management experience.